AOHell Denizens
Terminology Used:
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Name | Aar'aa |
Dice | 4d35 |
HP | 46 |
XP | 175 |
Weak Against | Fire spells |
Very Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | It stands about 2 meters tall, with sharp fangs and claws on both his hands and feet. Very agile, and can move around easily through rough terrain. It's natural color is grey, and that's what it changes to when it dies. They are often paired up on scouting missions and in large numbers can be deadly.The Aar'aa are very interesting monsters. They're "skinchangers" almost like chameleons....and can match any surrounding. Since they can blend in the surroundings, the attacker must roll a perception of 1d20 and must get under half their perception. If it fails...he can't see the moster, if it suceeds, he can sense him. Someone with a good enough reason to be able to detect it better like from it's scent, finds it with a higher perception number and vice versa. |
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Name | Bat Men |
Dice | 4d50 |
HP | 52 |
XP | 380 |
Weak Against | Projectile Weaponry |
V.Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune To | Poison |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | Yes |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Everyone's favorite crime batman...These Bat Men are pretty much bat+man. They look like ordinary men except for the fact that they have large leathery wings growing from their back, and they are quite hairy. Bat Men also have excessively long and sharp fingernails, good for raking someone's face off. Their feet also make them stand out, as they have only 3 quite long, triple jointed toes, each adorned with a long talon. Bat Men are also unique in the respect that unlike ordinary bats or men, they can breathe fireballs. Bat Men know a little magic, and use that skill to heal themselves during combat. The Bat Men live in cities of their own, high up in mountain caves. When they do go out, it is usually during the night, and they travel together in companies of 3 to 5. Bat Men are quite stealthy, and to be found, perception must be rolled and under a 5. |
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Name | Cherd |
Dice | 2d50 |
HP | 32 |
XP | 165 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | Wind attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes. Being quick, it uses its full dice instead of 1d. |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Cherd is a fairly small bird, slightly resembling a chicken, but only in the head and body size. Cherds are red in color, from the pigments they receive from the berries they eat. Cherds have uniquely designed wings that allow them to fly against the wind, making it easy to outrun and dodge enemies. Cherds, being very sociable creatures, are always travelling in groups of 3 or 4, though sometimes they'll have a gather of up to 10 or 15 |
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Name | Chub Toad |
Dice | 3d65 |
HP | 48 |
XP | 234 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Poison and Disease attacks |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Chub Toads are well...massive toads. They are large enough to swallow a man whole. They look like regular toads in all respects, except that their back is adorned with hundreds of razor sharp, poison filled quills. So it kinda looks like a porcupine frog. Chub Toads usually roam alone and can be found almost anywhere. They also blend with their backgrounds well, as their skin changes slightly to their background, however they are quite easy to spot, due to their size, so perception isn't necessary to spot one. The only time Chub Toads may be found in large groups, is during the mating seasons, Late Winter and Early Spring, then they can be found in groups of as many as 8. |
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Name | Compisar |
Dice | 1d25 |
HP | 12 |
XP | 5 |
Weak Against | Everything! |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Compisars are very small dragon looking creatures about a foot tall. They're about as powerful as a small usually travel is large packs. They're mainly scavengers. But, if they attack -=[ Comps 1-4 attack Twolf]=- they can add an extra 5 sides for each additional they would roll 1d40. |
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Name | Crawling Island |
Dice | 6d30 |
HP | 64 |
XP | 621 |
Weak Against | Fire attacks |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Earth attacks |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn. |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Crawling Islands are small masses of land that live out in the sea...they're basically islands, however, Crawling Islands are alive, and creatures in themselves, aside from the creatures that can and do live on them. Crawling islands are large beasts, with enough surface area for usually 20 to 100 regular humans to stand on them, depending on the island. Crawling Islands are very rare in the sea, and it is even rarer to see them on land, though they do leave the sea and go onto land every now and then, goodness knows why. Hence the name Crawling Island, instead of Floating Island. Crawling Islands are very slow, which makes it virtually impossible for them to dodge, though they are quite tough, allowing them the advantage of blocking. Not to mention that they are capable of regeneration. Crawling islands, being so rare, are absolutely never seen together. If so, it's a miracle. |
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Name | Demoness |
Dice | 4d75 |
HP | 62 |
XP | 525 |
Weak Against | Holy Power |
V. Weak To | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Dark powers |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | Yes |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | A demoness is a humanoid figure...usually very very attractive that wears basically just some skimpy sheets, altough her attire may vary. She is an foe straight from the depths below...and only wants to do evil. And she will any way she wants, usually by seducing young men with her looks. She has incredible dark powers, but is prone to using them all up, and thus rendering her powers useless. Watch out for her seducing manner...and stay away from her dark staff...the thing that harnesses her energy from below. |
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Name | Drevin |
Dice | 3d60 |
HP | 46 |
XP | 216 |
Weak Against | Holy Power |
V. Weak To | Fire |
Resistant to | Dark Power |
DR | N/A |
Immune To | Poison |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Drevin is a large four armed creature standing about 12 feet tall, not including their large horns that jut out from their forehead. Drevins were created by a genius/insane scientist named Xavier Drevin. Dr. Drevin created the beasts from parts of human corpses and other mutant creations of his own. That would explain the Drevin's large hooves, and giant scorpion-like tail. Drevins always roam around alone, tending to be very ill-tempered and not favoring any company. Dr. Drevin created his beasts using black magic, so Drevins tend to be somewhat resistant to any dark powers, however, they are greatly harmed by holy power, as well as fire, which can incinerate their rotting bodies in seconds. Drevins are walking disease bags, which makes them immune to all poisons and disease. |
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Name | Drigon |
Dice | 2d30 / 2d50 / 3d55 / 4d60 |
HP | 24 / 32 / 44 / 56 |
XP | 75 / 125 / 207 / 300 |
Weak Against | Fire attacks |
V. Weak To | N/A |
Resistant To | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Ice attacks |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Drigons are blue dragons that can get from 5 feet tall ((babies 2d30)) to huge 30 foot tall elders 4d60. They breath ice as their main attack, and like to go around freezing things. They travel in family groups of about 20...with each family group having one elder. Most are not hostile unless you disturb them, then they all stick up for the family group. They sport tiny wings, which are only good for short, low level flight. |
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Name | Fallen Angels |
Dice | 4d45 |
HP | 50 |
XP | 351 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | Holy Power |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Dark Power |
Healing | Yes |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Fallen Angels are just that, former angels that took to the dark ways and were cast from heaven. They look like ordinary folk, except for the two large scars on their backs, where their wings used to be. Fallen Angels also are recoginized by the fact that they wear the skins of those they've killed. Some of the elder Fallen Angels may have small horns growing from their foreheads, or dark leathery wings budding in place of their lost ones. All Fallen Angels have dark hair, and their bodies are usually covered with tattooes. They are quite magically inclined, though they often carry around a scimitar and a few daggers. Fallen Angels are easily taken down by Holy Powers, even a splash of holy water on them could do the trick. In contrast, Dark Powers revive Fallen Angels and rejuvenate them. |
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Name | Froggog |
Dice | 4d35 |
HP | 46 |
XP | 210 |
Weak Against | Fire |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Water |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Froggog is a large frog basically. Except for it's sharp claws on it's feet, it looks just like your average 10ft tall frog. It comes in several colors like purple and yellow, but it's basic and most often found color is red with yellow spots. It also spits an acidic venom and can swim about 100 mph. |
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Name | Ghost (Small / Large) |
Dice | 4d35 / 4d55 |
HP | 46 / 54 |
XP | 105 / 165 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | Holy |
Resistant to | Normal weapons |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Ghosts are your normal ghost. They haunt, they scare, and they annoy the heck outta realtors trying to sell the houses. Most are either mad at humans/gods, or just wanna kill them for the heck of it. But, there are those ones who're friendly, and these can be a great ally. |
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Name | Giant Wurm |
Dice | 6d39 |
HP | 66 |
XP | 702 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | Blunt Weapons, i.e. clubs, staffs, hammers, etc. |
DR | Giant Wurms are covered in thick, hard, scales except for around the eyes and their underbelly. If a Giant Wurm is hit anywhere else, it only takes half damage. |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Fire Attacks |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Giant Wurms are resmblant to very large snakes, with a dragon's head. They are around 30-70 meters in length, and are covered in very thick, hard scales, except around their eyes and underbelly. Giant Wurms are usually found in the forest, and possibly the most terrifying thing about them is the horrible crashing sound that it makes as it speeds through the forest. The noise is so loud that it echoes through the trees and seems to come from all directions at once. Giant Wurms are almost always found alone, as they need no help taking down enemies. The Giant Wurms tend to slither along on their unprotected bellies, to keep them from harm, though they can raise up and balance, like a snake. Giant Wurms also are capable of breathing fire, and if they are attacked with it, it actually heals them. |
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Name | Goblins |
Dice | 2d35 |
HP | 26 |
XP | 70 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Techie |
Description | Goblins are notorious for fighting when the odds favor them. Usually equipped with crude clubs and spears or with rusty swords. There are a few large tribes in Rhydin that can be hired as mercenaries as well as those that you might just be lucky enough to stumble upon. One particular tribe is noted to live in the Khiala-Kest area. |
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Name | Golem (Clay, Flesh, Stone, Iron) |
Dice | 4d40 / 4d50 / 4d60 / 4d70 |
HP | 48 / 52 / 56 / 60 |
XP | 288 / 360 / 432 / 504 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Water / Air / Fire / Lightning |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Techie |
Description | Created by wizards of great power, these constructions are extremely loyal to their creator and never flee battle. Extremely strong and sturdy, one is usally enough to give a fair-sized party a run for their money. Of course, since when is a party usally that lucky to meet only one? No matter whatever material they are made of, they are a dreaded sight in a battle. They never dodge, since they move slower then a weighted down tortoise, but they do block. |
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Name | Griffon |
Dice | 3d45 |
HP | 40 |
XP | 130 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V.Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Aus |
Description | Griffons are famed as excellent mounts; however, they have a nasty habit of eating the horses. They prefers horse as targets in combat and usually travel in prides. |
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Name | Horse/Warhorse |
Dice | 3d20 / 3d30 |
HP | 30 / 34 |
XP | 30 / 90 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Aus |
Description | Horses are usually used as transportation over long distances; they
are most effective when trained for speed and combat.
A normal horse usually doesn't fight in combat and panics 90% of the time. They do not gain XP from combat, only from training. Warhorses fight in combat and panic 10% the time. They also gain XP. Horses get a speed bonus, usually based on their breed. A normal horse has speed dice of 1d48; 1d18 for dice + d30 for basic speed. |
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Name | Inferno Archer |
Dice | 4d60 |
HP | 56 |
XP | 300 |
Weak Against | Wind attacks |
V. Weak To | Water and Ice attacks |
Resistant to | Projectile Weaponry |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Fire attacks |
Healing | N/A |
Regneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creature's Creator | Brian |
Description | Inferno Archers look like ordinary people, with the exception that their heads are constantly on fire. Inferno Archers have mastered the art of firing a bow, and with their blazing heads, they can have as many flaming arrows as they want. Inferno Archers are also fairly good at hand to hand combat, and if they headbutt you...well..damn. Since their heads are always on fire, the Inferno Archers are easily damaged by wind, water, and ice attacks, but if any fire is done on them...well hey..they're ready to party. Inferno Archers have learned the lesson of safety in numbers, and if you only see one, you can still be sure that there are at 3 or 4 others hiding somewhere. |
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Name | Kraton |
Dice | 2d40 |
HP | 28 |
XP | 76 |
Weak Against | Wind attacks |
V. Weak to | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creature's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Kratons are large, about 15 fett in wingspan, birds with sharp claws and very keen eyes. They can spot a person from 4 miles away, and they use their talons to grab prey. They can easily lift a human...and travel in flights of four. They're blue on their back, but that fades into a dull black on their stomachs. |
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Name | Living Booger |
Dice | 4d30 |
HP | 44 |
XP | 204 |
Weak Against | Fire attacks, Cold attacks |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Poison |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | No |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | Living Boogers Boogers. Each is about 5 inches long, which is obviously larger than most boogers, but hey....they're living boogers. Living Boogers crawl around in groups all day, what they lack in size they make up for in numbers. They are usually with at least 9 or 10 other Living Boogers. The group will converge on a large creature and slime up it's body, using their lil' booger mouths to suck the moisture from the creature's body, so they won't dehydrate. This however tends to dehydrate the other creature. Living Boogers are quite susceptible to fire, as it dries them up, and to ice as well, as it freezes all their moisture. |
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Name | Lionaire |
Dice | 5d55 |
HP | 64 |
XP | 468 |
Weak Against | Dark Power |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Holy Power |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | No |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Lionaire is a heavenly creature. They are large, winged lions. They are around twice the size of an ordinary lion, with a wingspan of around 35 to 45 feet. Lionaires are covered in a coat of pure white fur, with the exception of their mane, which is a sky-blue. Lionaires, being divine creatures, are capable of using heavenly powers to their benefit, such as healing themselves, though dark powers do a hefty amount of damage on them. Unlike ordinary lions, Lionaires don't tend to roam together in prides, but usually stick alone or in small groups of 2 or 3. Lionaires are quite intelligent and are capable of speech with other species. They are usually docile unless otherwise provoked or an intruder happens to come into their territory. |
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Name | Millipod |
Dice | 1d100 |
HP | 42 |
XP | 275 |
Weak Against | Earth attacks ((only those that directly affect the ground it's on...Boulder Rain wouldn't do that....Earthquake falls in this catergory though)) |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Blunt Weapons |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Fire Attacks |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Millipod is similar to a millipede, seeing as they have many little legs, and a tough buggy exoskeleton. Millipods, however, are many times the size of millipedes. Some grow up to be 7 feet in length, while most are only 4 or 5 at the most. The body of a Millipod is also large and more rounded, like a pill bug. Millipods are scavengers, but on occasion they'll take a bite out of the living. Millipods live in large colonies and always travel in groups of 2 or 3. Their speed to dodge, and tough exoskeleton to block with make them formidable foes |
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Name | Mordivaan |
Dice | 3d50 |
HP | 42 |
XP | 263 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Earth-based attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Bri |
Description | A Mordivaan is a large hairy creature, standing around 10 to 12 feet and weighing in the neighborhood of 400 to 600 pounds. Mordivaans are generally bipedal, though on occasion they'll use their massive arms as an extra set of legs. The Mordivaans were discovered by the little known scientist Mordavius Masterson, who being an expert in biology and zoology, determined that the Mordivaans, which he named after himself, are relatives of gorillas, which can be plainly seen in their appearance. Mordivaans have two horns protruding from their head however, which when get relatively large in size, can be used to block attacks with. Mordivaans are generally social creatures, especially amongst each others, and always travel in small groups of 3 or 4, or sometimes even tribes of up to 10 or so. They can usually be found in dense forests or jungle regions. |
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Name | Mud Man |
Dice | 4d40 |
HP | 48 |
XP | 200 |
Weak Against | Fire attacks |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Mud attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes (if in mud); +1 HP/turn. |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Mud Men are usually found in swamps or bogs pillaging around and causing havok. They're basically mud combined together with a brain by some weirdo wanting to terrorize people. Most are big and dumb, but will follow orders by their creater. They're about 10 feet tall...and tend to have one big eye in the center of their round and mushy body. |
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Name | Mutant Soldier |
Dice | 4d35 |
HP | 46 |
XP | 140 |
Weak Against | Organic stuff |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Non-organic stuff |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | Mutant soldier are just like soldiers, except they're mutated. Most are now cyclopic, with four arms and two legs. They emit toxic stuff from their wounds, and drip the toxic junk everywhere they go. These are harder to find than regular soldiers, but adding some toxic stuff to a person would do this trick. They usually sulk around places...wishing they could go back to being a regular person/ most are harmless and don't wish to fight. |
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Name | Ogre |
Dice | 3d50 |
HP | 42 |
XP | 315 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | Tough hide (3 points) or by armor type |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Techie |
Description | Extremely larger than their relatives, goblins, they forfeit brains for brawn, but not always. Work as mercenaries when they can be offered enough reimbursment for their services, but are happy pillaging or terrorizing by themselves or in small groups. Food and gold are the usual items sought after during these raids. They use crudely made clubs and hides for clothing, though some may be lucky enough to have armor in their size. |
~Perditious Fiend~
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Name | Perditious Fiend |
Dice | 6d75 |
HP | 82 |
XP | 1000 |
Weak Against | Cold-based attacks |
V. Weak Against | Holy / Light attacks |
Resistant to | Heat-based attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Evil / Darkness attacks |
Healing | Once. |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Bri |
Description | The Perditious Fiend is just that; a being of utter destruction and damnation. Perditious Fiends are bent on chaos and destruction and want nothing more but to watch everyone suffer for an eternity. Perditious Fiends are large beasts that thrive off dark and fiery energies to supply their demonic power. If a Perditious Fiend is encountered, it is advisable to run. The fiends are highly adept and dodging and blocking, not to mention the fact that if any dark or chaotic energy is used upon them, it rejuvenates them. The best bet to defeating a Perditious Fiend is with holy energy. Perditious Fiends, being the creatures of destruction that they are, are always alone, seeing as they would try and destroy one another if they got near. |
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Name | Phantasm |
Dice | 4d70 / 2d70 when invisible. |
HP | 60 |
XP | 490 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | Holy power |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Dark power |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | A Phantasm is a large ghost...they're made of dark enegry, and come in every source and shape. Like ghosts, they could haunt or scare...but a larger phantasm could be used as a important attacker piece. In a visible form it uses 4d, but invisible (and -8 to percieve unless pointed out or attacked by (which reduces the penalty to -4, or nothing if previously spotted), it is only 2d, for some of it's power is used for the invisibility. When invisible, rolling perception to "sense" where the phantasm is, then an attack, or a area attack are about the only things that will hit it. Also, like it's smaller friends, the ghosts, they can inhabit the body of non-dead beings, and occupy it, if it beats a resistance roll on 1d. Each turn, the two may continue to struggle with resistance rolls; if the character continues to lose, he remains under phantasmal control. |
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Name | Punty (Puntie) |
Dice | 3d45 |
HP | 40 |
XP | 203 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Punt damage |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Aus |
Description | Punties are cute little mongrels, about the size of a beach ball with arms and legs, that carry a two foot long punt-needle. They tend to roam Rhydin in packs, and can stab a man into nonexistence in a matter of seconds. Variants have a scorpion-like tail instead of the needle. |
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Name | Punt Beast |
Dice | 2d96 |
HP | 50 |
XP | 327 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Punt damage |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Aus |
Description | PuntBeasts look like rabid black pitbulls, and are just as tenacious; a pack can tear a man down quickly, and they are very good at catching their prey. |
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Name | Punt Demon |
Dice | 6d50 |
HP | 72 |
XP | 600 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Punt damage |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Aus |
Description | Punt Demons are leathery black beings with large sweeping wings. Their punt-tipped talons and lineburning breath can render even the best of connections a shredded mass. |
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Name | Phantasm |
Dice | 4d50 |
HP | 52 |
XP | 350 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Lightning/energy |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | A Shokeshan is a large, about 3 meters tall, creature made purely of electricity and energy. It's made up in the sky, when charged parcticles collide over and over again...and a very rare chemical is got a bunch of Shokeshans. They make fairly good guards...although their power and surging energy gives them away too easy for anything besides guarding. They're most dangerous around electical equipment for their bodies can short many things out. |
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Name | Skeleton (animal/human/monster) |
Dice | 2d30 / 2d48 / 3d40 |
HP | 24 / 30 / 38 |
XP | 60 / 96 / 120 |
Weak Against | Holy power |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Bladed weapons |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Aus |
Description | Skeletons are the favored basic soldiers of undead armies - they are easy to find, easy to make, and sometimes they come with their own armor and weapons. There are three types of skeletons - the animal skeleton, the humanoid skeleton, and the monster skeleton. Skeletons are usually created by an Animate Dead spell. |
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Name | Slyrm |
Dice | 2d45 |
HP | 30 |
XP | 198 |
Weak Against | Water attacks |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Earth attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +2 HP/turn. |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Slyrm is a small, underground worm that burrows all throughout the earth. Slyrms only surface at night, where the sun will not harm they're many faceted eyes. Slyrms always travel in large groups of about 15 or 20, due to the fact that their small size makes it hard for them to take down prey. Slyrms generally feed on plants that grow in caves deep in the earth surface, but on occasion Slyrms will rise up and try and take down a large prey, so that they can receive vital nutrients from the blood. A Slyrm, like most worms, is capable of regeneration, and the Slyrm specifically does it at twice the rate of a normal worm. |
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Name | Smordile |
Dice | 2d40 |
HP | 28 |
XP | 252 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Bladed Weapons |
DR | If hit on head or upper body, only 1/3 the normal damage is inflicted |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | The Smordile is a denizen of the sea that tends to stay in the shallow waters. The head and upper body of a Smordile is that of a crocodile, except with a slightly stubbier face and larger eyes. The Smordile's front half has extremely thick scales, that when hit only take around a 1/3 of the damage the rest of the body does. Also, if a bladed weapon is used on the Smordile, it is to little effect, as the blade only succeeds in getting dull. The back half of the Smordile is that of a large snake. The end of the tail branches out into three long tentacles, covered in fins, to replace the back legs the Smordile doesn't have; it only has 2 front legs. Smordiles are crafty hunters, and usually fight in pairs. |
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Name | Generic Soldier |
Dice | 2d35 |
HP | 26 |
XP | 161 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | Body armor--4 DR |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | This is what everyone thinks of as a "regular ol' Soldier Boy".
He's just a plain guy, army fatigues, boots, and a helmet. They're
pretty easy to find for some world devastator's wishes, and most come already
with guns/blasters. Not real powerful...but can be a nuisance
in numbers.
Take away the guns and give them swords, and you have a pack of thugs for your medieval evil sorcerer. |
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Name | Spurf |
Dice | 3d33 |
HP | 34 |
XP | 218 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Acid Attacks |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Poison |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/2 turns |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Spurf is a large, bloated, undead corpse. The bodies of the Spurfs are rotted and festering with disease. Their undead bodies move surprisingly fast for their jerky movements, and a Spurf can easily dodge an attack. Luckily for the Spurf, it is immune to any and all diseases and poisons, but unfortunately for the people it touches, the Spurf's dead body is highly acidic and being dead, is filled with many diseases. A Spurfs body tends to spontaneously discharge squirts of acidic juices from the many large blisters lining their bodies. These juices can also help the Spurf, as they are a mild regenerative agent, that allow the Spurf to heal, however slowly. Spurfs aren't ones to be in groups, so at most there will only be 2 together. |
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Name | Treefolk(Saplings, Ordinary, Giant) |
Dice | 2d50 / 3d50 / 4d50 |
HP | 32 / 42 / 52 |
XP | 130 / 163 / 195 |
Weak Against | Large Bladed Weapons ((If someone swings a battleaxe at'll hurt...a dagger doesn't fall into this category though)) |
V. Weak Against | Fire Attacks |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn. |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | The Treefolk are a race of giant people who, obviously, look like trees. They fall into three catergories: Saplings ((2d50)), Ordinary Treefolk ((3d50)), and Giant Treefolk ((4d50)). The Treefolk are quite slow moving, due to the fact that they must creep around by dragging themselves with their roots. This lack of speed makes it impossible for them to dodge, but with their tough bark they can easily block an attack, unless it is a fire attack, then they're screwed. The Saplings tend to travel together, about 3 or 4 to a group, with the occasional Ordinary Treefolk watching them. The Giant Treefolk are the eldest of the people, and tend to travel alone, or in groups of 2. The Treefolk are notorious for their amazing hiding skills, seeing as they look like trees. If Treefolk are around, perception must be rolled and half one's perception or lower is required to see them if they don't desire to be seen. They cannot be found by any other means than sight, since they smell and taste and feel like a tree. They can only be identified by the fact that they have faces, with razor sharp teeth. They also have two long arms protruding far out from the other branches |
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Name | Trop (female/male) |
Dice | 3d50 / 4d50 |
HP | 42 / 52 |
XP | 218 / 290 |
Weak Against | N/A |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Blunt Weapons |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | Trops could be considered miniature bulls. They're about the size of a great dane and very stocky. Trops are also covered in thick shaggy coats of fur, making them excellent winter pack animals when they are domesticated. Trops, like bulls, have two large horns, however, Trops have a third horn that juts directly out from their forehead, much like a unicorns. The center horn is usually 6 or 7 inches longer and much thicker than the other horns. Trops have exetremely thick hides, which allow them to take the blows of many blunt weapons fairly well. The male ((4d50)) Trops tend to be slightly larger and more powerful than the females ((3d50)), and they usually lead the packs of Trops, which travel with about 3 to 5 in a pack. |
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Name | Tweedle |
Dice | 3d20 |
HP | 30 |
XP | 45 |
Weak Against | Wind attacks |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Tweedle is like a big flying needle. They are about a foot to two feet long, a light blue or green in color. Their bodies are large at one end, then taper down to a fine point at the other. The larger end is the back. The body of the Tweedle is much like a bugs exoskeleton and has very intricate grooves all over, allowing it to catch even the tiniest hint of wind, and stay in flight. Starting about an inch of the way from the fine tip of the Tweedle, are the wings. A Tweedle's wings start out very thin, and then fan out brilliantly towards the back. The Tweedle, having no other steering mechanism than it's wings, can only head forward, so if there is a gust of wind, the Tweedle will be blown end over end and won't be able to do a damn thing about it. Tweedles are quite rare, seeing as they rarely get a chance to encounter and mate, so when a Tweedle is seen, it is usually alone, or possibly with one other. |
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Name | Twink |
Dice | 2d75 / 3d82 |
HP | 42 |
XP | 263 / 431 |
Weak Against | Anti-matter |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | Mana (energy) Attacks |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | A Twink is a small, glowing, floating ball of energy that drifts lazily about all day, drawing mana from all around it. Twinks are usually found alone, unless they are in desperate need of energy, then they will gather in groups of around 3 or 4 and share their energy. A Twink, though it doesn't mean any harm, may try to "borrow" the energy from another creature by bumping against them. However, to the other creature, this isn't a good thing, and it may be taken as a sign of aggression on the Twinks part. If a Twink is encountered in battle, it is easily defeated when anti-matter attacks are used on it, causing it to merely non-exist. A Twink however, being a ball of energy, is immune to mana attacks, they simply absorb the power. A Twink, when nearing death ((3/4 of HP or less gone)), will shed it's weaker energy exterior, revealing a core of highly condensed energy, giving it an extra boost of power ((This is when the Twink goes from 2d75, to also gets 1/4 of its HP back...unless of course it is at say 1/2 life, and then is it doesn't go through the 3/4 HP phase change)) |
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Name | Vocalatomus |
Dice | 4d50 |
HP | 52 |
XP | 400 |
Weak Against | Good music |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | Bad music |
DR | 5 DR (thick skin) |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Curtis |
Description | A Vocalatomus is a huge, slumbering, purple sloth that lives in caves The usual Vocalatomus is about 40 feet long, and 15 feet tall. It lives all day singing horrible music and eating moss and lichens. It has a huge head with three eyes, and one mouth, but no nose. A by-product of the Vocalatomus is gold. When the moss is digested by excretes gold from pores in it's when found...the thing is usually lounging in pure gold. They're fierce and will protect their gold. |
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Name | Woodkynn (female/male) |
Dice | 3d72 / 3d50 |
HP | 50 / 42 |
XP | 486 / 338 |
Weak Against | Fire |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | Earth Based attacks (though not lava) |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | Yes; +1 HP/turn |
Dodge Allowed? | Yes |
Block Allowed? | Yes |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | The Woodkynn are a race of people, who resemble humans in all respects, aside from the fact that they are between 30 and 50 feet tall and wear leaves for clothing..though some people do that. The Woodkynn aren't good or evil, they vary from person to person, like humans. The Woodkynn, along with being strong, are somewhat capable in magic, especially with the workings of the earth. The Woodkynn live together in cities, deep within the forests and jungles. Women ((3d72)) tend to be the dominating sex of the Woodkynn and they are the ones that often hold the higher rankings. The women are also more magically inclined than the men ((3d50)). When the Woodkynn take to travelling, they often go together in parties, sometimes up to as many as 15 or so in a group. |
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Name | Zombie |
Dice | 2d35 |
HP | 26 |
XP | 35 |
Weak Against | Holy power, fire |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | N/A |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Aus |
Description | Zombies are another old standby of the dark ones; they are cheap, easily made, and tend to fall apart under significant spellpower. However, they make good cheap armies, don't complain, and feed on the enemy. |
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Name | Zomeus |
Dice | 2d47 |
HP | 30 |
XP | 94 |
Weak Against | Fire Attacks |
V. Weak Against | N/A |
Resistant to | N/A |
DR | N/A |
Immune to | N/A |
Absorbs | N/A |
Healing | Yes |
Regeneration | N/A |
Dodge Allowed? | N/A |
Block Allowed? | N/A |
Creatutre's Creator | Brian |
Description | Zomeus are large feline-like creatures, about the size of a big bob-cat. They are covered in long thick grey fur, which makes them look much larger than they really are, though in truth, the Zomeus are actually very big and fat, so with or without the hair, they're still large. Zomeus, being such fat beasts, find it hard to move out of the way or an attack, nor do they have a way to block. The Zomeus are capable of using their stored fat as energy for healing themselves, and that can keep them going during a fight. When attacking, though the Zomeus are slow, they have large tusks protruding from their bottom jaw, which they can use to run through an opponent. Though the Zomeus are capable in battle, they are actually docile creatures and just like to sleep and eat and socialize. They hang out together in groups or 2 or 3. |
Reasons for Granting Experience
1. Being victorious over an enemy.
This may mean killing it, forcing it to surrender, routing it, or perhaps
just convincing it not to be an enemy anymore. In fact, peaceful solutions
should provide at least as much (if not more) experience as dicing up your
problems. Defeating enemies, however you do it, is one source of XP. Below
is a method for figuring the XP total for your creatures.
Basic XP: Dice * Sides
Basic HP / EP: (Dice * 10) + 2 HP per d5 above d20.
Allowed to dodge: + 20%
Allowed to block: + 30%
Extra HP: + 10% / +10% HP
Damage Resistance (Creature takes (DR) less damage from attacks,
min. 1 hit unless attack was 1 or 2 hits.): + 20% / 1 DR
DR vs (X) [Armor only vs X]: +5% / 1 DR
Weak to (X) [Double damage]: - 25%
Very weak to (X) [Triple damage]: - 50%
Resistant to (X) [Half damage]: + 25%
Immune to (X) [No damage]: + 50%
Absorbs (X) [Gains HP]: + 75%
Creature can heal itself: + 20%
Creature regenerates 1 HP/turn: + 50%
(If you have other ideas for modifiers, please feel free to contact
2. Obtaining storyline objectives.
This gives a lot of leeway to the GM here; whatever is in reason can
be given. Personally, I tend to give objective XP based on the importance
of the actions. If the PCs really bungled things, this value is low or
nonexistent; if they did a reasonable job, they should get a fair amount
of experience, and if they did a stunningly excellent job, they should
get credit for it. As I said, this really relies on the GM and how much
they believe it's worth. Keep in mind how much XP it takes to gain a side.
3. Individual awards.
This is extremely optional; the objective award given above is divided
amongst the party, but there's times when you really want to just pat one
character on the head. This type of award is given for general good role-playing
of the character (especially sacrificing advantages because they aren't
in character; an example, perhaps, would be a great reward given to the
party - and Shidi refunds it and says they were happy to do it for free.
Or something like that.) This type of XP is also applicable when a character
comes up with a brilliant idea, especially one that saves the rest of the
party's hides, solves a particular puzzle (this may be split if he's got
help), figures out something dangerous/important, or whatever else the
GM may see fit to give XP for.
Got creature ideas? Have critters in your adventures that you want
out in the open? Write in to ArcticOwl2.