(Click here for spell energy rules.)
Quick Definition of Terms
Hit-many: This causes many targets to be hit (as determined by GM logic - at -least- 5 to 10 targets.) Bear in mind that the PCs can be hit as well...
Hit-all: This usually denotes an attack that hits everything in the immediate area; this may, can, and will include the PCs. ("Well, how was I supposed to know that was a bad thing?")
Yeah, yeah, what you've all been waiting for. Deity spells require WP to operate, as is stated on the EP Cost.
General-Purpose Spells
Spell: Aura of Comfort
EP Cost: 10 (+d5)
Roll to Succeed: Hits rolled = HP healed.
Imbues the target's aura with healing energy, soothing and comforting.
Spell: Energy Boost
EP Cost: 2 + hits rolled.
Roll to Succeed: Hits rolled = EP healed.
Drains energy from the caster and grants it to the target. Useful for
reviving people from unconsciousness. The caster may choose to set a limit
of how much energy to transfer.
Spell: Mana Drain
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 10 hits.
Target loses EP equal to half the amount rolled; caster gains EP equal
to 1/3 the amount rolled. Target cannot be drained beyond 1 EP.
Spell: Regeneration
EP Cost: 10
Roll to Succeed: 30 hits.
Target regains 1 HP per turn - lasts as many turns as hits rolled.
Spell: Dispellation
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: More hits than original spell.
Removes target spell. Not effective against some spells.This spell
directly contests against the original spell, and must roll a higher number
of hits than the original spell to succeed. It costs 5 EP, unless more
EP are spent to raise the dice of the caster. An important note: some spells
cannot be cancelled with Dispellation - be forewarned.
Spell: Purification
EP Cost: 10
Roll to Succeed: 20 hits, or more hits than original roll, or more
on 1d than highest 1d of original roll.
Removes status ailments from the target. To do so, you must either
roll higher than the highest die roll of the affecting ailment, or roll
hits greater than (said highest die roll). Example: A poison attack had
49 as the highest die roll. A 50 or greater or 49 hits or greater must
be rolled on the purify attempt. Costs 10 EP unless more are spent to raise
the dice of the caster.
Spell: De-Vampirism
EP Cost: 10 (applies to each caster involved)
Roll to Succeed: 60 hits (20 to remove vampirism from body, 20 to recover
soul, 20 to rebind soul and body)
This spell must be cast by a group for best success; power cannot be
combined for this spell, but people can add to the casting. If a 1 or no-hit
roll is made by a caster, the spell ends, and results occur accordingly.
19 or less hits = No effect.
20 - 39 hits = Vampire is killed; body crumbles into ash; further resurrection
attempts are considered as if the spirit and body are not present.
40 - 59 hits = Vampire's body is restored, but dead; resurrection difficulty
is 40 hits from this point.
60 or more = Vampire is devampirized; said individual returns to former
status pre-vampirism.
Spell: Curse
EP Cost: 4 per point intended to be removed.
Roll to Succeed: Must roll 1d above target's resistance + sides to
Subtracts set number of sides from target. The target must roll his
resistance -first-, suitably penalized for dice differences. The number
the target rolls, + the amount of sides you desire to remove from the target,
is the amount of hits you must roll for success. Costs 4 EP per side you
are removing, whether it succeeds or fails.
Spell: Remove Curse
EP Cost: 2 per point of original curse.
Roll to Succeed: Level of curse * 3 hits.
Removes a curse. Most white mages keep this spell in their libraries,
to reverse curses caused by diabolical things on innocent people. This
costs 2 EP per point of the original curse to cast, and requires hits equal
to 3 * the curse's "level" (how many sides it removes.)
Spell: Summon Swarm
EP Cost: Dice * sides * 2.
Roll to Succeed: Hits rolled / ((sides / 2) * dice) = number of creatures
This spell calls forth a swarm of (usually) small creatures to attack,
destroy, or whatever. Declare how many sides (and dice) you want each member
of the swarm to have (minimum 1d2). Dice * sides * 2 is the EP cost. The
number of hits rolled, / ((sides / 2) * dice), is the number of creatures
that appear/arrive/gate in. Modify by logic where applicable. The swarm
has HP equal to (dice * sides * .5) * creatures.
Spell: Annihilation
EP Cost: Dice of target * 20
Special Effects: Specifically designed to kill deitifics permanently,
but is applicable on any target.
Roll to Succeed: Dice of target * 10 hits.
Specifically designed to kill deitifics permanently, but is applicable
on any target. This spell cannot be cast on an active living being. This
spell disjoins and unravels the soul within, annihilating its worldly connections
utterly, if it works. Resurrection attempts are stymied severely, and the
target is "permanently" slain.
Spell: Resurrection
EP Cost: Depends on difficulty.
Roll to Succeed: Depends on difficulty.
Returns the dead to life. This table shows energy costs and minimum
hits necessary to resurrect the fallen. A person who has fallen in combat
requires a base 25 hits to be resurrected, +1 hit per HP below the point
at which death actually occurred. For example, a mortal (2d) who was at
-16 HP (the point of death is -10) would require 31 hits to resurrect.
25 Restores an average dead person. Said person must
be intact, without missing limbs. 25 EP.
30 Restores minor missing body parts, like ears and
fingers, as well. 25 EP.
40 Restores rot/mangle damage to the body as well.
30 EP.
50 Restores major missing limbs and body parts as
well. 40 EP.
60 Can restore any amount of the body as long as
some part is available... 50 EP.
80 Can restore the body entirely even without parts,
if the spirit is available. 60 EP.
100 Can call spirit and body back, even if both are not
present... the ultimate spell. 80 EP.
+20 Subject was killed by a smite attack. +10 EP.
* 2 Subject was "permanently" slain. EP cost * 2.
Note - rolling higher than you need to does not raise the energy cost. The energy cost to the right of the desired effect is what you have to spend - the hits to the left of the desired effect are the -minimum- you need to roll. However, the recently resurrected person will have HP equal to the brink of death, +1 HP per hit rolled above that necessary.
Spell: Speed Up
EP Cost: At least 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 6 hits.
Duration: Hits rolled / 3 turns.
Enhances speed or automatically counters a Speed Down. Speed die gets
a bonus to sides of +(hits/6 + energy/2); dodge/parry gains a bonus equal
to half the speed bonus.
Example: 6 points energy, 12 hits rolled: +(2+3) = +5 to speed, +2
to dodge/parry, lasts 4 turns.
Spell: Speed Down.
EP Cost: At least 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 6 hits.
Duration: Hits rolled / 3 turns.
Decreases speed or automatically counters a Speed Up. Speed die gets
a penalty to sides of -(hits/6 + energy/2); dodge/parry gains a penalty
equal to half the speed bonus.
Spell: Haste
EP Cost: 20
Roll to Succeed: 30 hits.
Duration: (sides) / 12 turns.
Doubles speed. Speed, dodge, and parry are doubled. Counteracts Slow
Spell: Slow
EP Cost: 20
Roll to Succeed: 30 hits.
Duration: (sides) / 12 turns.
Halves speed. Speed, dodge, and parry are halved. Counteracts Haste
Spell: Hold Being
EP Cost: 10
Roll to Succeed: 40 hits.
Target rolls 1d to resist - any hits on any of caster's dice that are
over this resist add 1 turn to the duration of the spell.
Example: 80 70 60 rolled, target rolls 69 to resist - 80 makes three
turns, 70 adds 1. Total duration of Hold spell - 4 turns.
Spell: Alertness
EP Cost: 5 + 1 per extra minute
Duration: 1 minute unless more energy paid.
Roll to Succeed: 4 hits per +1 perception.
Adds to Perception for said duration - handy when searching for your
car keys.
Spell: Cloak
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 8 hits.
Duration: 1 turn per three hits.
Perception to detect cloaked being is -1; additional -1 per 4 hits
above 8 hits. Provides a +2 to dodge and target's attack per -1 Perception.
Penalties/bonuses halved if target has detected you.
Spell: Invisibility
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 20 hits.
Duration: 1 turn per two hits.
Perception to detect is -8, and dodge/target's attack is +20. Perception
-4 and dodge/attack +10 when target is detected.
Spell: Mask
EP Cost: 5 (base)
Roll to Succeed: 20 hits (base).
This masks targets designated by the caster from scrying. This spell
uses the Magnitude Table as a modifier.
Spell: Locate
EP Cost: 5 (base).
Roll to Succeed: 10 hits (base).
Range penalty: -d1 per 10^d miles distant
This attempts to find the above things. 10 hits is enough for a broad
overhead view, like a wide view of the countryside (magnitude 15). Every
four hits lowers the magnitude by one, allowing you to zoom in on your
target. Keep in mind that if seeking a particular target, like a building,
rolls that indicate a wider view will provide no information at all, or
just a general sense of unfocused location.
Spell: Identify
EP Cost: 1 (base).
Roll to Succeed: Depends on target.
Range penalty: -d1 per 10^d feet.
Identifies a person, place, or thing. Difficulty relies on the Masking
on the object, if any, and the amount of detail required. A lance used
to slay the Dark Queen would be harder to fully identify than a dagger
that was dropped in a well by accident, and the holy grove of a goddess
would be harder to identify than the campground someone slept at last night.
Bear in mind that the information given by this spell is not -known- to
the caster as false or true... though the sound of a giggling GM might
be a clue to the player.
Detail Levels: (Final EP Cost + (Hits Needed / 10))
History - The past of the object. 3 hits for up to 15 minutes; 6 hits
for up to 30 minutes; 9 hits for up to 60 minutes; 12 hits for up to 2
hours; etc.
Descriptions - Depends on the size of the area and the amount of detail
requested. 5 hits would get you a basic "feel" for an area; 10 hits would
note details like an average map; 20 hits would be equivalent to the knowledge
of a local; more would resemble the skills of a guide.
Cursedness - 10 hits; a roll of 1 causes the caster to become the curse's
Mana Level (Area) - 4 hits per level of magnitude of the area.
Enchantments - 5 hits to detect magic; 12 hits to detect type of magic;
25 to detect basic powers; more (variable) for advanced powers / specific
magical items.
Blueprints - Obtaining blueprints of a structure is measured by magnitude
times the complexity of the object. This will always provide some form
of results, though not always detailed or correct.
Maps - Maps can be created for an area; (magnitude - 2) * 4 hits are
In Writing - Anything listed here can be put in writing (handy for
sorcerers who like to keep notes, or are somewhat absentminded); this costs
five more hits, plus 1 EP per page. Maps and blueprints are two examples
of things that are best put in writing.
Formula - Potions only; this is a direct relation to the potion's complexity
(including enchantment) * 6 hits, on average. This will teach you how to
-make- this potion, as opposed to simply identifying it and its' effects
(which would be about 1/3 of the cost, or as under Enchantments.)
Importance - How this relates to your present situation. Cost set by
narrator based on the detail level of the importance; lower rolls provide
incomplete, no, or misleading information. Beware; you put yourself at
the mercy of the GM...
Future - Double History cost. Insufficient rolls may provide incomplete
data, erroneous/highly unlikely timelines, or outright lies, depending
on the narrator's mood.
Diagnosis - 2 hits for a trivial problem; 4 hits for something simple;
8 hits for something that usually requires a professional; 16 hits for
problems that call on the experts; and otherwise whatever value is appropriate
for the situation.
Treatment - 1/2 Diagnosis cost. Identifying the proper treatment adds
(1/3 hits rolled up to Treatment - 1) to fix, if dice are necessary.
Spell: Barrier / Spellscreen
EP Cost: 1 per point desired, + 1 every (10/initial EP) turns.
Roll to Succeed: 3 hits per point.
Barrier defends against physical damage; Spellscreen defends against
magical attacks. Either screen subtracts 1 point damage per EP spent from
damage from said source, or provides a +5 to block per point. The damage
blocked or absorbed instead is taken by the screen, which has HP equal
to hits rolled + 1 per EP spent.
Spell: Forcewall
EP Cost: 1 per point desired, + 1 every (4/initial EP) turns.
Roll to Succeed: 5 hits per point.
Forcewall is an all-out defense against damage. It subtracts 1 point
damage per EP spent from damage from any source, or provides a +5 to block
per point. The damage blocked or absorbed instead is taken by the screen,
which has HP equal to (hits rolled * 1.5) + 1 per 2 EP spent.
Spell: Web
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 4 hits.
This spell attempts to trap the target in magical webbing by filling
the target area with said substance. The highest die of the spell roll
is compared against the target's resistance. If the target's resistance
is higher, the target either is immune to the spell effect or got out of
the way. If it fails by less than 10, the webs are half strength against
him; otherwise the webs hold him full-strength.
Web strength is equal to hits rolled - this acts as a penalty to sides
until the target is freed, and also acts as the HP of the web. Any fire
attack that does more than 2 hits damage will burn the web in one turn,
but causes the person(s) within 3d40 damage.
Spell: Mini
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: At least 10 hits.
Target resists against highest die - if failed, target is shrunk. Sides
are halved, and damage to the target is doubled.
Spell: Charm
EP Cost: 1, 2, 5, or 12
Roll to Succeed: 5, 10, 20, or 50 hits. Target may resist.
Effect depends on energy spent.
1 = Target must reroll reaction to the caster and take highest roll.
2 = As above; reroll is at +4.
5 = As above; reroll is at +10.
12 = Target automatically considers caster a close friend.
Target gets a free resist roll to avoid doing anything he would not
be willing to do for his new pal; spell breaks automatically if this is
pushed too far.
Spell: Berserker Rage
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: Must outroll resistance of target - target's resistance
is halved if Berserker.
Target, if spell succeeds, goes into a berserk rage for the duration
of the combat. This lasts (hits) turns, or until the target can make a
Resist roll to stop. This resist roll is at +5 if a friend is attempting
to help, +10 if a loved one is attempting it, -2 per point of damage taken
this turn, and +2 per attack on a friend.
Target gains a +20 to sides, and will attack enemies first, but will
almost invariably use only close-range attacks if at all possible. Target
will keep attacking until knocked out, killed, everything else dead or
gone, or the spell is broken one way or another.
Spell: Stoneskin
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: 2 hits per individual hit the skin provides.
This provides temporary armor, not as well as the barrier spells, but
easier to prepare for a fight with. The spell lasts one hour, and it can
take up to 20 damage away from a hit. Multiple hits, like those from a
combo, are blocked individually.
Spell: Reflection
EP Cost: 25
Roll to Succeed: At least 40 hits.
Any spell or energy attack against the target that has a highest die
less than the highest die of this spell is reflected and hits a random
target at -2 to effect/damage. This "highest die" drops by 1 per reflected
attack. Attacks that get through are at -5 to damage/effect; three attacks
getting through shatters the spell.
Spell: Gate
EP Cost: 15, 25, 50, 100
Roll to Succeed: 20 hits/40 hits/60 hits/80 hits.
The energy cost and difficulty depend on where the gate leads.
20 hits/15 EP = Standard gate to another locale.
40 hits/25 EP = Gates to more difficult terrain.
60 hits/50 EP = Gates to outer planes or other obscure locales.
80 hits/100 EP = Gates to "impossible" locales, like those that ban
gate use.
For every two hits above the needed roll, the energy cost drops by one.
A roll of 50 hits on a standard gate would make it free, for instance.
Spell: Teleport
EP Cost: 5
Roll to Succeed: 10 hits
Teleport to any nearby location. Simple, no?
Higher-powered versions can teleport over longer distances, and some
extremely good spells can break the time barrier...
Spell: Animate Dead
EP Cost: 6 + 1 per zombie; 2 per animal skeleton; 3 per normal skeleton;
4 per monster skeleton
Roll to Succeed: 2 hits per zombie or animal skeleton, 3 per
humanoid skeleton, 4 per monster skeleton.
Creates a number of skeletons from the ground - the number is limited by the number of hits rolled and the actual content of the ground.
Spell: Monster Summoning (I - X)
EP Cost: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50
Roll to Succeed: 6 hits per level.
This spell calls random creatures (local beings, usually) to the caster's aid; these beings will attack the spellcaster's opponents to the best of their ability, and will vanish when slain. If no combat is available, they can and will (if the wizard can communicate with them) perform other services as desired for the summoner. They will remember this, in case it's important.
The power of the creatures summoned depends on the spell level:
I - Summons 2d4 beings (around 2d30).
II - Summons 1d6 beings (around 2d35).
III - Summons 1d4 beings (around 2d40).
IV - Summons 1d3 beings (around 2d50).
V - Summons 1d3 beings (around 3d40).
VI - Summons 1d3 beings (around 3d50).
VII - Summons 1d2 beings (around 3d60).
VIII - Summons 1d2 beings (around 4d50).
IX - Summons 1d2 beings (around 4d60).
X - Summons a being (around 4d80).
Spell: Firebolt
EP Cost: 1
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
A bolt of flame that strikes the target, causing damage.
Spell: Fireball
EP Cost: 5 (+d5)
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
A ball of fire that explodes when it strikes the target.
Spell: Fireblast
Limited: d40 or higher
EP Cost: 15 (-1d, -d10)
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
Sends a fan of flame outwards at oncoming enemies.
Spell: Spark
EP Cost: 1
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
Shoots an electric spark at the target.
Spell: Thunderbolt
EP Cost: 10 (+d10)
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
Throws a bolt of electricity at the target.
Spell: Chain Lightning
Limited: Must have at least +d6 Spellskill, must be at least d40
EP Cost: 20
Roll to Succeed: Hits = damage inflicted.
Sends a bolt of lightning at the target; the lightning will then pick
the nearest target and fly at it (-d5 per bounce). This continues until
the bolt runs below d25 in damage, or until there are no more targets in
the vicinity. If there is a large group (read: the average melee) roll
a die to see who gets hit each time.
Tech: Whirling Blades
Limited Use: Two bladed weapons.
EP Cost: 2
This technique requires two blades, and adds +5 to attack sides. In
addition, until the next turn the user gains a +5 to parry.
Tech: Backstab
Limited Use: Hand weapons only.
EP Cost: 5
Limited: Thieves only
This attack only works on surprise (target must fail a Perception check
and be previously unaware that the threat exists); however, the attack
is at +2d.
Tech: Focused Assault
EP Cost: 5
Must forgo at least one turn. Applies to any and all normal weapons.
Cumulative +10 to sides first turn, +5 for second and third, +2 for fourth
through tenth. Target must remain in one place. Half bonus if target is
moving but trackable (using a sniper rifle, for instance.) Bonuses lost
if user is distracted.
Tech: Aggressive Parry
Limited Use: Hand weapons only.
EP Cost: 1
-10 to parry dice. However, the highest parry die rolled is inflicted
as damage.
Tech: Incite Rage
Limited: Berserkers only
EP Cost: 1
Takes two hits on 1d to incite; roll automatically when injured. +20
to sides, but cannot do anything but attack. May attack friends if no foes
available. (100-sides)% chance of remaining berserk per round, must roll
six hits on 1d to voluntarily end berserkerism.
Tech: Desperation Attack
Limited Use: Hand weapons and spells only.
EP Cost: All EP remaining.
This burns all the user's energy and force into one devastating strike
on a foe. +1 to sides per EP burned, target cannot dodge, though blocking
and parrying is allowed. The user collapses after delivering this strike...
Tech: Charged Hit
EP Cost: Same as caster's spell cost.
The wielder's weapon is imbued with spell energy, allowing him to use
an elemental attack with his weapon. Target gains a bonus to sides equal
to (the caster's sides - 20) / 3, for the duration of the combat.
Tech: All-Slice
Limited Use: Hand weapons.
Limited: d40 and higher.
EP Cost: 5
Damage halved.. Usually one large swing against a group of foes. Counts
as a Hit Many attack.
Tech: Strafe
Limited Use: Firearms and beam weapons.
Limited: d40 and higher.
EP Cost: 5
-d10 to accuracy, - 2 to damage. Usually involves swinging the guns
about while rapid-firing to cut through a mob. Counts as a Hit Many attack,
uses at least 1 shot per target (obviously).
Tech: Fan
Limited Use: Attack spells.
Limited: d40 and higher.
EP Cost: +5
Damage halved. Spell attack becomes a fan, wave, or cone instead of
a simple directed bolt. Counts as a Hit Many attack.
Tech: Area Effect
Limited Use: Spells.
Limited: d50 and higher, Spellskill: All +d5 or higher.
EP Cost: +20
Spell becomes a hit-all area attack. Be advised, this runs a high risk
of hitting allies locked in battle with the target. Cost of additional
sides becomes +15 per +d5.
Tech: Combo Strike
EP Cost: 2
Sides and dice can be redistributed towards more dice with less sides
- final outcome gets +12 to sides.
Example: 4d60 can be turned into 6d40, but not 3d80.
Each die, however, represents a portion of the combo - if a miss is
rolled on one of the dice, any die after that is discounted.
Example: 61 3 90 90 90 - The 90s are discounted, because the second
hit, the three, was a miss.
Example: 61 90 90 90 3 - Only the very last hit misses.
Tech: All-Out Attack
EP Cost: 0
This berserker's move throws defense to the winds - the user gets two
attacks, but has -no- defense whatsoever. Resistance is halved, dodge/parry/block
is negated.
Tech: All-Out Defense
EP Cost: 0
This move is for the defensive types - or those who are just holding
off the mobs. Dodge/parry/block is -doubled-, but the user does not get
an attack this turn. Readying spells, etc, is allowed...
Tech: Cover
EP Cost: 0
This allows the user to declare he is defending one person (or group
of people) from attackers. The user can choose to use dodge (in which case
he gets into the way of the blast and takes full damage), parry (in which
case he attempts to deflect the blow, and leftover damage hits the target),
or block (in which case, he attempts to stop the blow, and takes leftover
damage.) The user must block all-hit attacks such as fireballs by attempting
to cover the target; target takes half of any damage that gets through
the block, user takes all damage that gets through.
Tech: Two-Weapon Attack
EP Cost: 0
Using a second weapon in combat grants you a free bonus to your sides
and parry, based on your weapon skill. A + (((sides + weaponskill bonuses)
- 40) / 4) is added to attack sides and parry when using the two weapons.
Unskilled users, however, tend to be more awkward with two weapons than
with one.
Tech: Twin Guns
EP Cost: 0
Using two guns tends to mar your aim, but improves the amount of sheer
firepower you spit out. Subject rolls 2d for his aim; however, the skill
for both weapons is reduced by 5.
Tech: Staple Shot
Limited: +10 weaponskill (bow) or more.
EP Cost: 1
Used to impress people mostly; can hold one limb for a turn. Roll 1d.
On a miss, the shot misses. On a 1-hit, the target is actually hit; roll
normal damage. On a 2-hit, the target is grazed (roll 1d damage.) On a
better hit, the target is "stapled". This tends to add a +2 to combat reactions
from the target (intimidated.)
Tech: Bladesong
Limited: Bladesingers and those who have a legit background in bladesinging.
EP Cost: 1 per round.
The bladesong, the deadly elven art of gracefully swift killing by
the blade, grants three types of fighting:
Defensive - Parry + (sides / 5).
Offensive - Attack + (sides / 5).
Balanced - Parry + (sides / 8), Attack + (sides / 8).
Tech: Low Blow
EP Cost: 1
Also known as the infamous groin shot - highest die rolled over 20
causes the target to be stunned for one turn per hit above two hits (-10
to sides for any activity.) A crushing instrument is necessary (at least
for the bonus); if using a knee when at close range (for example, during
a hug), target cannot dodge or parry, and block is halved.
Deitific Magic:
Spell: Smite/Save
EP Cost: Double Normal (WP only)
Limited: Deities Only
Special Effects: All below 4d must roll a hit on one die or flee/be
This is a flashy spell meant to terrify the unbelievers and kill them
at the same time. Whatever it may be, it costs double what a normal spell
of its' kind would cost (a simple 1-EP lightning bolt would be a 2-WP lightning
show, a 5-EP heal would be a blinding flash that costs 10 WP, etc...),
but most mortals who witness it must make a morale check or flee/be converted/decide
not to mess with the caster.
Spell: Deity's Blessing
EP Cost: 40 (WP only)
Limited: Deities Only
Special Effects: +1d to target
Roll to Succeed: 30 hits
This special gift is a freebie for clerics (and costs the deity nothing),
but must be cast to work on warriors and the like. It grants an extra die
to the being in question, though never granting the target more dice than
the casting deity has (a demigod cannot raise someone to 4d normally.)
This costs 40 EP, and can be canceled at will. Must roll above 30 hits
to cast successfully.
Spell: Aura of Protection
EP Cost: 1 per +1, remains gone while spell is active.
Special Effects: Adds to all avoid sides - max added is amount rolled.
Roll to Succeed: 10 hits + 2 hits per +1.
This boon grants a bonus to dodge/resist/block attacks. Deities love
this for protecting their favorites. Costs 1 EP per +1 as long as it is
in effect, and can be canceled anytime. Must roll above 10 + 2 * bonus
hits to cast successfully. (IE: + 20 = must roll above 50.)
Spell: Aura of Empowerment
EP Cost: 2 per +1, remains gone while spell is active.
Special Effects: Adds to all attack sides.
Roll to Succeed: 20 hits + 2 hits per +1.
This energizing spell grants a bonus to the target's combat abilities
(adds to sides for attack purposes only.) Great for creating a deathdealing
maniac. Costs 2 EP per +1 as long as it is running, and can be canceled
at any time. Must roll above 20 + 2 * bonus hits to cast successfully.
(IE: + 20 = roll above 60.)
Spell: Immortal Ascension
EP Cost: 400 to invoke, 200 to revoke.
Limited: Deities Only
Special Effects: Target becomes a 4d immortal/revokes a previous casting.
Roll to Succeed: 60 hits to invoke, over original roll to revoke.
The most incredible feat of all, this can make an mortal -permanently-
immortal, with 4d. The type of immortal is up to the deity and the GM -
be creative. This can be revoked with an uncasting of the spell, but the
target must be in the deity's presence to reverse the effects. Costs 400
EP (expensive, but often worth it), one time only. Must roll above 60 hits,
cannot be attempted more than once per week. To revoke costs 200 EP, and
requires beating the original roll, and also cannot be attempted more than
once per week.
Spell: Deitific Ascension
EP Cost: 2500 (WP only.)
Limited: Deities Only
Special Effects: Grants target demideity status.
Roll to Succeed: 100 hits.
This powerful spell is restricted to lesser and greater gods. It grants
the power of a demigod on a deserving immortal. Requires 2500 EP from the
Worship Pool. Caster must roll above 100 (!) hits. Preferably cast with
the assistance of the entire pantheon.
Spell: Pantheon Ascension
EP Cost: 16000 (WP only.)
Limited: Deities Only
Special Effects: Grants target lesser deity status.
Roll to Succeed: 160 hits.
Only greater gods can cast this all-powerful spell... this raises a
demigod to the status of a lesser god, with all the advantages it provides.
This whopper of a spell requires 16000 EP, and the caster must roll above
160 hits. Usually cast with the assistance of the rest of the pantheon.
Costs usually assume a magnitude of 0 (one person) except where listed. To affect a greater range, more hits and EP must be acquired (+5 minimum hits and +5 EP per level of magnitude.)
One person
Several people
One room
Small crowd
Small house
Small building
Large crowd
Floor of large building 7
Large building/army 8
Small town
Large town
Small city
Large city
Small countryside
Medium countryside 14
Large countryside
Entire planet