Red, Blue, White, Black 

These four types of leupaks all have these things in common:

They all have breath weapons, which are useable, twice a day without suffering damage.

Their starting dice are the same (3d25)

They are immune to the same element they use in their breath weapons.

They can drain a victim for up to 10 hit points and transfer it to themselves.

Red leupaks are often chaotic-they are impulsive thinkers and often do something before they consider the consequences. Their appearance is typical for leupaks, besides bright red scales and crested heads. Their breath weapons are balls of flame, and are immune to fire and heat. They prefer to live in tropical areas.

Blue leupaks can be chaotic, lawful, or neutral. They often do what suits to their needs at a particular moment, and they are excellent speakers-besides the fact that their voices are extremely fast-paced. They can be compared to gnomes in this sense. Their breath weapons are small lightning bolts, they are immune to electricity. They can live in temperate to tropical areas.

White leupaks have the intelligence of a small soap dish- they don't really care about things like alignment. Their scales are ivory and snow colored, sometimes with a bluish tint. They can spit shards of ice as their breath weapons, and they cannot be harmed by cold. They prefer arctic and sub-arctic areas.

Black leupaks are sneaky and cunning. They use their natural colorings to blend in with shadows and darkness to attempt an ambush. They are skilled swimmers. Black leupaks have single horns on their heads. They spit black poison that causes blindness-they are immune to ingested and contact poisons.