(Muns of RhyDin's Elite)

Long long ago
In a galaxy far far away...
Okay, so it was New Jersey
And not really that long ago when
I think about it, but anyways, there was a mun
named Laura, who grew tired of life in the
bubbles and freed herself of the contrivances which
had entrapped muns for so long whilst characters
roamed free in this land of chaos and creation known as
RhyDin, or in the mundane language as AOHell. So seeing that
she was free and this was good, she set about freeing
her fellow muns, which was the begining of the revolution
Muns of the world unite! The hour of freedom
is here upon you all. So rise and be free!
Why should characters have all the fun?
Be MoRE.

Your solution to Mundania.

Aus, leader of ARC Forum

Mun Power!!

Enter the world of the mundane...
Scarier than any fantasy RP could ever be.

MoRE Application
MoRE Roster