Aus: 	-=clicks on the security cameras=-

Laura: 	Okay, everyone...	Welcome to the seventh ARC forum class "Fun with the Mun". I'm Laura, and I'm hosting this class, and this is my assistant teacher, Shidi.

Shidi:   Hi there! 

Keoke:   Why am I never the assistant?  !

Arc:   Because your mun refuses to teach classes, Keo?

Laura: 	Now, first of all, for definition purposes, what is a mun?

Shidi:   Someone who makes your life miserable?

Keoke:   Muns suck!

Laura: 	Hush, characters.

Arc:   Someone who gives free soda.

Keoke:   Can I apply for a mun transfer?

Alex:   Hey! MY mun treats me with respect!

Techie:   Any bets on a battle between the teachers tonight?

Laura: 	Yes, you, the typist, the controler of the the keyboard, are the
mun.  You make or break your characters existance. 

Aeslyan: 	Yeah, jerk, you usually break mine...

Laura: 	Well, for the most part.

Josh:   Shut up, Aes.

Shidi:   I can kick my mun's arse.

Aeslyan:   :P

Josh:       :P

Laura: 	Now as a mun, you earn 10% of your characters experience. 	If you have multiple characters  this means you earn 10% from each of them, which really adds up!

Shidi:   In other words, we do all the work, muns get all the dice.

Laura: 	Now this is what determines a mun's sides. Unlike characters, muns get different dice numbers, when facing
different things.

Keith: 	::Raises hand::

Lady SHlDl: 	 Yes, Keith?

Keith: 	Does that mean if you had 11 characters, you'd get 110% Heh heh heh...  ::considers evilly making 10 no name characters to make him all powerful!!!!

Laura: 	Well, you would get 10% of what each character earned on an adventure.

Keith: 	!!!!!!::  ::Calms down::

Laura: 	If those 11 characters didn't do diddly, your wouldn't get anything either.

Aus: 	Keep in mind, Keith, all ten have to survive the combat.

Laura: 	Now, my mundice are d56.  For demonstration purposes, . . .

Keith: 	Yeah, but if they all earned the same, you'd earn 10 more
percent then them?

Laura: 	. . .say I wanted to beat Keith over the head with this cushion... (Ack, ask Aus math questions.)

Aus: 	You would earn 10% of whatever a character of yours earns on an adventure.  If ten of your characters earned 50 XP each, you would get 10% of each 50 XP, 5 XP per, which is 50 XP total

Laura: 	Its like.... you get 10% of their earnings.  Thank you, dear.

Keith: 	Yes, so if you had 11 that earned 50 XP, you'd earn 10 more
percent then one.  55 XP in all.

Aus: 	However, bear in mind, Keith,  that to -get- that XP you'd have to actually have eleven people around, which I don't recommend if your GM isn't into wars.

Keith: 	::is just asking, doesn't plan on ever having more then  3
characters at any one time anywho

Laura: 	Okays, now as I was saying... =)   I'm going to thwack Keith!   I'm a mun, and he's a mun.  That means I get to roll 2d56, because its mun vs mun.

OnlineHost: 	Lady SHlDl rolled 2 56-sided dice:  6 20

Laura: 	Keith would of course, get to roll a dodge or block, if he wanted to.  But now, lets say I wanted to smack Bri. 

The crowd:   Yay...

Laura: 	Bri is a character.

Shidi:   Poor Bri.

Laura: 	I am a mun.  Therefore, I would get 6d.


OnlineHost: 	Lady SHlDl rolled 6 56-sided dice:  31 1 45 28 51 31

Laura: 	A much more powerful thwap!

Brian 	:::laughs at Bri::

Bri:   Ahh! Don't!

Laura: 	Muns are more effective against characters, because we are
basically a demi-god like creature to any character not our own.

Bri:   ::;cringes and sits in a corner:::

Laura: 	Now, say I wanted to smack Shidi with the pillow.

Shidi:   Umm... lets say you didn't.

Laura: 	No, lets say I did.

Arc:   It's just a pillow.

Laura: 	Now, because Shidi is my own character, I would get 10 d against her.

OnlineHost:   Lady SHlDl rolled 10 56-sided dice:  35 29 22 30 25 26 10 35 13 53

Keoke:   Poor Enedra!

Laura: 	This is to reflect the fact that you are the ultimate deity to your character. 	You are your character's greater god type, the Creator.

Shidi:    Some pillow....

Laura: 	Now, I need a mun volunteer.

Bri:    :::Makes Brian raise his hand:::

Brian: 	Hey, stoppit!

Laura: 	 Brian, come on up.

Brian: 	rrrrr...::;walks up:::

Laura: 	(( ))  Climb in these mun bubbles, will you?

Brian: 	((::crawls in::))

Laura: 	Now, at the moment Brian is a bubbled mun.

Brian: 	((I like what you've done to the place...:::looks around the bubbles:::))

Laura: 	Lets step over here to ... oh, why thank you, I did a little
redecorating, how nice of you to notice...

Shidi:    Mun!

Brian: 	((It's very nice...:::raids the fridge:::))

Laura: 	Oh, sorry. Lets walk on over to the munnic awareness chart.  	Brian, say something to Kanshi.

Kanshi: ... -=looks bored=-

Brian: 	((Hey Kanshi...can I have a dollar?))


Lady SHlDl: 	Now, Kanshi, do you see the pretty bubbles?

Brian: 	((:::indicates the bubbles around him:::))

Kanshi:   Shidi, why're we here?

Laura: 	Kanshi, being a one d creature, doens't notice the bubbles.  He can't hear Brian at all.

Brian: 	((:::flails around madly:::: Kanshi!!!!!!!))

Shidi:   Long story, Kanshi...

Kanshi:   -=doesn't even seem to notice L=-

Laura: 	In fact, he doesn't even notice unbubbled muns.

Kanshi:   -=shrugs, curls up, and attempts to go to sleep=-

Laura: 	Now, lets move on.  Jeremy here is a two d. 	Hello, Jeremy, how are you today?

Shidi:   Poor Kanshi.

Jeremy:    All right I guess, . . .

Laura: 	But as for Brian... 	Hey, Jeremy, do you see these bubbles?

Brian: 	((::waves::))

Jeremy:   . . . wish my mun would be paying attention and what bubbles?

Keoke:    Mun!  I'm bored!  Got any jerky?

Claire: 	How is jerky going to alleviate your boredom?

Laura: 	Now, see, he doesn't notice the bubbled mun.  Now, I don't know where Tech keeps his characters when they aren't here, . . .

Techie: 	Wherever they want to be.

Laura:   . . .but Jeremy would be unaware of it, unless it was pointed out to him.  Now, lets move on to Sakti.  Sakti here is a three d.  How are you today, Sakti?

Sakti:    Great! and not bored in the least!

Laura: 	Brian, say something to Sakti.   Do you see a mun in these bubbles?

Brian: 	((:::stands right next to Sakti, so he'll be heard....screams:::  HI!!!))

Laura: 	Sakti sees the bubbled Bri.... and she might even know a bit about AoHell.  She knows that her mun keeps a character vacuum,and can probably pick out her own mun from the room of people.

OnlineHost: 	PoeticDrgn has left the room.

Laura: 	Next, lets move on to Bri.

Bri: 	Me?

Laura: 	Bri, the character, sees his mun in the bubble.

Bri: 	::::moons Brian:::

Brian: 	((rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....:::gives Bri a swift kick in the butt:::))

Laura: 	In fact, he interacts with his mun, and was the one who volunteered him to go in there.

Bri: 	ach!! :::rubs his arse:::

Brian: 	((:::points and laughs::::))

Laura: 	Bri knows what muns are , and the OH, and the character box, and punties.  Usually, however, he's trapped in his character bubbles, until Brian lets him out.

Brian: 	((hahaha....I am omnipotent))

Laura: 	Now, our 6d was Keoke, who has been punted.  She knows she has a mun, . . .

OnlineHost: 	PoeticDrgn has entered the room.

Laura: 	Oh, here's Keoke now.  Keoke, can you point out your mun for us?

Keoke:    That's her, the red-headed freak!! 

Laura: 	Keoke can see muns, interact with them, and view the contents of munbubbles.   She may or may not like muns...and she's certainly aware of the character vacuum

Keoke:   Muns suck!  Well, except the nice ones.

Laura: 	Brian can converse with Keoke through the mun bubble, and she can see what he's doing in there.

Brian: 	((she can see me?!))

Laura: 	Yes, she can see you.

Brian: 	((:::closes the blinds:::))

Keoke:    Of course I can, you think I'm blind?

Laura: 	Now, when you get to be a lesser deity, an 8d, you begin to realise your existance takes place in an artifical universe, namely AOL chatrooms.  You know about AoHEll, and RP stuff, and you interact with your mun on a regular basis.  Character tend to be bossy, around this leval.

Aus: 	-=chuckles for no apparent reason=-

Laura 	Then we have a ten 10, like Arc. 	Arc is basically on equal footing with his mun. Arc can escape his bubbles, . . .

Arc:   -=makes the peace symbol=-

Laura:    . . .and muck about where he choses for the most part.

Arc:  'Cept when a GM is working actively against it, anyways.

Laura: 	He can make his way to the mun's fridge and have a soda, . . .

Techie:   And bake cakes

Arc:    No I can't - he doesn't have any there, I checked.


Laura: 	. . . then get back into his own house in the Void, sit down on the
couch, and enjoy it.  But Arc, beware, because your mun still has some powers over you.

Shidi:    Hmmph, power hungry muns.

Arc:    Yeah, I know that. And versa vice.  S'why it's best to get along at this level. -=shrugs and wanders off to grab some munworld delicacies=-

Laura: 	Which brings us to the next part,	munnic powers. Muns have some inate abilities, just for being muns.  They can conjure IMps, summon characters, teleport at will within RhyDin, summon bubbles for themselves or a character, and can erase any character they own.  However, this is not always automatic, particularly on a munadvneture.	Imps, are always automatic, I do believe.  But on a munadventure, in AoHell, say I wanted to summon Shidi.

Shidi: You want to summon Shidi.

Laura:  	I would roll one of my dice, and on a successful to hit roll, Shidi would appear.

Shidi:    Whether I wanted to or not!

OnlineHost: 	Lady SHlDl rolled 1 56-sided die:  10

Shidi:    Um... no.

Keoke:    Haha!

Laura: 	In that case, Shidi would resist the summons, and not want to come. 	I could try again later with her, or another character.

Long: 	Either that or it didn't work

Lady SHlDl: 	Yep, or it just plain didn't work.  Now, to summon a bubble for oneself is automatic,but lets say Aus wants to bubble  Arc.  Would you guys mind demonstrating this?

Aus: 	-=shrugs=- All right.

Laura: 	Now, Aus tries to bubble Arc.

Aus: 	Yo, Arc, get yer butt back over here! -=tries summoning him, first=-

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 1 62-sided die:  59

Arc: -=reappears, holding a tea glass=- You rang?

Lady SHlDl: 	Now Arc has higher dice then Aus, sides wise, but for all intensive purposes they are both 10d, correct?   Arc gets an opportunity to dodge the oncoming bubble,. . .

ArcticOwl2: 	 Eh? Oh... teaching how to catch a character with a bubble
rather than a Pokeball. -=resigned sigh=-

Josh:     Bye, all.

OnlineHost: 	Aeslyan has left the room.

Laura: 	. . .and I don't think he gets a modifier, unless I am reading this wrong, because they both have 10 d, right?   Sorry, new rule.

Aus:   -=shrugs=- Sorry, Arc. Right, love. -=borrows the tea glass from Arc,then attempts to bubblicate the character=-

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 10 62-sided dice:  18 41 12 57 3 38 26 49 33 5

Arc:  -=sigh=- If you must... -=attempts to avoid his fate, borrowing one of the local IMps as an escape route=-

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 1 76-sided die:  25

Laura: 	Arc doesn't make it, and is bubbled.

( -=gets caught anyways=- Joy. -=shrugs and begins cutting
his way out with the IMp=-)

Laura: 	Now, unfortunately, my 'rent is bitching at me, so Aus, would you mind telling or showing them how modifiers for that situation work.  I'll be right back.

Aus: 	All right...Let's say I just felt like tossing one of my normal characters
into a bubble; Kanshi over there, for instance.  Kanshi's a liiittle bitty 1d, and as I'm his mun, I'm a 10d in comparison.

Kanshi:    -=yawns and looks up=-

Aus: 	Now, let's attempt to bubble the poor character... -=tosses a
bubble at Kanshi=- . . .

Laura: 	I'm back.

Aus: 	. . .Though incidentally, 1d for a bubble attempt, no matter what,
would make a bit more sense...

Long: 	WB, Laura..... ::Lurks again::

Laura: 	Thanks.. 

Aus: 	Welcome back, love. -=hands the ruler to her, catching the
in-flight bubble=-

Claire: 	Wb!

Laura: 	Did you go over the modifiers?

Aus: 	I was trying to.

Laura: 	Please, love.

Aus: 	All right. Let's say I try to bubble the Kanshi. -=tosses a
bubble at him=-

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 1 62-sided die:  18

Aus:   Now, rotten roll though that may be, Kanshi won't have a great
chance of avoiding it; let's face it, he's a 1d, I'm (as his mun) a 10d. For every die lower than the bubbler, the victim (read: Kanshi) is at a -d5 to his dodge roll.  Since Kanshi is 9d lower than I am, that's a whopping -d45.

Techie: 	::Whistles::

Brian: 	ewwwwww

Aus:  No matter what, you can't go below d20, which is a good thing, as Kanshi rather needs it.

Laura: 	Translation : He's bubble fodder.

Kanshi:   -=blinks and tries to avoid=-

Brian: 	:::Cheers Kanshi::

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 1 20-sided die:  2

( -=blinks again - goes back to sleep=-)

Brian: 	:::stops cheering::

Aus: 	Now, it's also possible for a mun to bubble someone else's characters; however, it's not as easy.  Let's say, for a real grin, I want to get Shidi back in the bubbles.

Shidi:   Eek!

Keoke:   Hey, I thought you were one of the kewl muns!

Aus: 	Relax, Shidi, I'll let you out afterwards, . . .

Keoke:    Be nice to my sister

Aus: 	. . .it's just for a demonstration.

Shidi:   Oh, okay.

ArcticOwl2: 	But you can still get out of the way.   As I am -a- mun, but not -her- mun, I only have 6d as it relates to her; she has 10d. Now, as her dice are greater than mine, she gets a bonus of +d5 per die; +d20 in all, to be exact, to her dodge roll.

Shidi:    Yay!

Aus: 	So it's not easy to trap those rambunctious characters of other people.


Aus: 	Catch, Shidi. -=tosses the bubble at her=-

OnlineHost: 	ArcticOwl2 rolled 1 62-sided die:  51

Shidi:  Yipes! 

Aus: 	Now, that was a nice throw - Shidi stands a good chance of
getting out of the way, though, because she gets a bonus.

Laura: 	Cats and Satan... okay...

OnlineHost: 	Lady SHlDl rolled 1 97-sided die:  26

Claire: 	I don't think he realizes its IC,...

Aus: 	But, it's not Shidi's day - Aus is three for three.

Techie: 	Heh, she's a witch!!! Burn her!!!!

(( Oooogh))

Laura: 	He's a bubbly mun!

Aus: 	-=takes out a needle and pops Shidi's bubble over a couch=-  There you go.

Shidi:    Thank you.

Lady SHlDl: 	Thanks, love.  Now, what happens in those moments when a mun recieves enough damage to actually die?

ArcticOwl2: 	-=bows and settles down=- Heh, can't truly die, we don't truly exist in this realm.

Laura: 	No, we don't want you to go our and drink that cyanide laced koolaid, or get out your roll of quarters for the hale-bopp.

Techie: 	Darn it and I was all set to join that cult

Arc:   Oops... uh, Aus, stop drinking the tea.

Laura: 	As Aus said, . . . 

Aus: 	Hmm? -=Gulp!=-

Laura:  . . .we don't truely exist in this realm, and therefore cannot suffer actual death.
But you can become discorporate, which means you are confined to bubbles, cannot come and IC, and can only interact with other muns.  To reverse this horrible occurence, you need a re-link spell, . . .

Arc:   The 'stop talking to me, mun, you're discorporate' clause.

Laura:   . . .which is the equivilant of a mun rezz.  Like a resurection, its sortta hard to do, 60 hits needed to succeed.

Techie: 	@

Aus: 	Heh, which is why muns prefer to let characters fight.

Laura: 	Yes, Tech?

Techie: 	Who can cast this re-link spell?

Laura: 	Love?

Aus:  	Anyone who can get the hits from somewhere. (Incidentally, anyone got a better idea for that rule, I'd love to hear it.)

Laura: 	Thank you. That's another one of the new rules. =)

Aus: 	Basically, anyone aware of munnic existence.

Keoke:    Well if my mun gets bubblified, you wont see -me- bringing her back!

Aus: 	-=chuckles=- Though there's an interesting way... heh.

Keoke:    She tried to bump me off!

Laura: 	Last topic before question time, . . .

Keoke:    For two whole mun-months, however long that is!

Laura: 	. . .munadventure.  Now, when mun adventuring, its important to remember your munly limitations.  I am assuming none of you have a tank parked in your yard, . . .

Claire: 	"Like father,... absolutely nothing at all like son"

Laura: 	. . .so driving up to the mun adventure in a panzer is probably not
realistic.  If you are not the possessor of a sword, gun, machine gun, elephant, tuba, or any other object, you can't just cart it in with you.  Though, if you are in a land of fiction, like AoHell, drawing yourself an object may work.  If you are in the land of Hell, New Jersey, you'll have a piece of paper.

Aus: 	@

Laura: 	Yes love?

Aus: 	Heh - this isn't a question, quite, but more of a comment... If I were GMing a game, and a mun wanted to, say, bring/scribble/paste/whatever something into existence, I'd assign it a number of hits, and let them roll 1d. Heh, the number of hits, to my eye, is a believability factor. You want to draw a baseball bat?  That's not too hard, maybe a couple of hits; new muns wouldn't be able to create things so easily, but old-timers could probably do it in two tries if not one.

Laura: 	That sounds good, dear.

Aus: 	Want to draw a fightercraft? Expect it to be harder. (Harder to draw and less 'logical'.)  Heh, just my commentary.

Laura: 	Heh, yep. I can't draw a straight line myself.

Laura: 	I don't have any more commentary, or material, so are there any questions?

Techie: 	@

Laura: 	Yes, Techie?

Techie: 	Back to the bubbling characters.  Will the 5% rule be allowed if it allows a better chance?

Aus: 	Yep, that's a default catch-all rule for dodging.

Techie:   Okay.

Laura: 	=)   Any other questions?

Laura: 	Okay, then that concludes this weeks class.  Thank you all for comming, tune in next week for....umm... what did we decide? Armor? Human classes?

Aus-=takes out what looks suspiciously like a neuralizer=- Human Classes, I believe, was the topic. -=throws it at the camera to shut it off=-