Due to
some gross miscalculation on some mun's part, usstan uil supposed to be
giving a "lighthearted look at guilds". Well, this zhah what dos get, and
dos will read it, and dos will like it! Nau complaints, damn it!
Rating System
Skulls Up: The best a guild can be
Skull up: Naut bad, room for improvement
Ick: This guild needs help, badly. Heh.
Tinkle: This guilds GC needs to be shot.{Guild}
Issue: A guild called Silverblade
The page zhah black.. all black.
Save for a little clock, which told ussta precisely how much time he zhah
wasting by looking at this guild that could naut bother to think of an
acronym. The front states "remember if you are already in this guild, you
don't have to fill out an application" . Well, duh. Have they had problems
with this in the past? Stupid people should naut be in guilds, they should
be shot.Some of the sidebar choices "What is RhyDin"...again, if dos do
naut know this, get a dagger and kill dossan self, do the world a favor.
"How to play"...alright... this GC zhah naut only finding reasons to accept
the stupid, she zhah encouraging them. Why naut wave a big sign that says
"Join this guild if dos phuul stupid?" "Udos could naut even think of any
cool initials, stupid people of the multiverse, come and join udos!" The
rules state 'Greet every member as they come online, put them on
your buddy list'. If usstan got twenty IMPs from lifeless losers the minute
usstan got here, usstan would be highly pissed. They even give a
suggested greeting, because, as udos know, if dos join this guild, dos
phuul vithing stupid! Usstan then read about the guild history. Because
they phuul a guild of stupid people, their first name "Dark Blade" was
already taken. So they made an equally stupid name by just changing the
color. Au, and their leader (probably got smart and) left them, leaving
some dumb wench with an SN that shows her mun zhah either also stupid,
or really hates her, in charge, LadyDark13.This SN does naut even exist
anymore. The guild calendar contained one event...from JULY! This guild
zhah the lamest of the lame. Why was Arc once a member of this place? Zhah
he insane? Was he on drugs, or shanghaied? This guild makes DKoX look like
a two skull guild. Mr. Tinkle zhah almost too bwael for these idiots! Of
the "our characters", only one link worked, and that was to some different
gaming system, naut even related to this totally pathetic guild. Gods,
this zhah enough... usstan uil getting sick. Mr. Tinkle, usstan know this
is beneath dossan dignity, but, please take it away. Far, far, far away.
Au, and ussta dalninuk, Jaer, was going to add his comments, but when usstan
showed him the page, he fainted and has been in a coma ever since. Heh,
He zhah drooling and muttering "the horror, the horror" now, so maybe he
will come out of it in time for usstan to kick his arse in the fair events.
+ leader, LadyBitchwhoever}
Editor's note:
The opinions of
the necromancer drow commonly called Gareth Uth'Malin (among less printable
names) are solely his own, and not necessarily shared by any character
or mun on the Adventurer staff. While we make no apologies for the content
of Gareth's page, we make no judgments as to his sanity, either.