Kender Korner

The best place ever in the whole wide world for the dissemination of valuable information about things that we all know everybody wants to know but makes the stupid people ask, not that they're sometimes stupid questions but someone's got to answer them and so that's what we're here for.


This issue,  Amek will illuminate the members of ARC on a question of utmost importance to the clueless:

"What are the kender up to now?"

Now, Amek, take it away!

Hello... s'me, Amek. Yeah, I'm a kender. Got a problem with that? How about I rip your throat out and ram it through your ear? ... Oh, yeah, the newsthing. Hm. Well, this issue's Kender Korner involves some new stuff we're doing - the ARC Spring Fair, and the KIB.

The ARC Spring Fair is a lovely little gathering occurring on March 20th through the 27th, and represents a nice business opportunity for us, as we get to sell things, we own the arena (and may do a little betting, hehheh), and we get to set up all -sorts- of cool stuff!

And the KIB - the Kender Interdimensional Bank - is opening soon. We're making a standard currency based on real gold; we're sick of recieving that synthetic insta-gold you mages keep making. So the KSH is setting up its' own banking service to handle these fershlinugger problems. More to follow as it gets posted, but we're starting the service up by giving everyone 1000 Shirans. We also will exchange real gold coins for Shirans, after assuring they're not counterfeitied or magic-born. And we even offer credit for people who hate carrying cash around. Pretty cool, eh?

Well, I'm out of stuff to talk about for now - so until I can bribe the editor to let me add some more stuff, it's me, Amek, sayin' buhbye!