From Mundania

The world of the mundane is a scary place. With no magic, and a lot of hard work, the place tends to discourage fantasy and encourage its own warped society driven sense of reality. However, as we all know, it is quite possible to be a mun, and be anything but Mundane. Here's this week's news from muns who have risen above their mortal seemings to dare to be different in the challenging world of Mundania .

Carey has some of her artwork on display at her school. Congratulations, Carey!

Laura has been working on her writings.
She's been talking to a member of the band Renaissance
about turning some of her poems into songs. She's also been busy
with the computer paintbrush - drop by the Creativity Corner
and see for yourself.

Keith has been hard at work at his wonderful game, Critters!. Its the story of a little blobber named Abbot. The latest demo has just been released, so contact Keith at SN:  GrimtoothX to get it.

Techie has been fencing away, and has started a new campaign using the sci-fi rules of ARC and his own ideas, known presently as Sci-Fi ARC. He's also been named second in command of ARC, so congratulations!

Aus has been making some helpful GM aids for the ARC forum. To DL these programs, see the ARC mainpage... or just smack the computer. Aus's current project involves designing an OnlineHost that will operate on IRC (MS Chat, mIRC, etc.), calculates hits and can be Deathmatched. Hehhehheh. Stay tuned, chummers.