
Full name: Star Enelve'astre Talaena Claws Kat Legarro

Birthdate: approx. 6 centuries ago (date unknown)

Appearance: Medium- sized svelte cat with long, tapering lines; very lithe, but muscular. Her hind legs are longer than her front, making her rump higher than her shoulders. She has a slender neck, wedge-shaped head, dainty paws, & thin tail.  Her coat is satiny in texture, with a lustrous sheen. Her fur coloration is that of a pale, silver ocicat. Her slanted, almond-shaped eyes are a clear, knowing sapphire blue.

Family: The infamous (,,,)Claws(,,,)

Hobbies: Sun-bathing, hunting, accompanying her Shydi.

Occupation: Familiar to Goddess Shydi.

Species: Immortal domestic cat.

Relationship status: Looking for a constant mate..

Background: Mostly forgotten,.. traveled realms as her catly curiousity took her, till she met with her sisters in RhyDin, then decided to stay as Shydi's familiar.

Religion(if any):Looking for a constant mate..

Any other information: <none>

Quote: "A thoussand yearss ago, we catss werre worrsshiped ass godss... I sshall neverr forrget thiss."  "I'd like sssome ssalmon, and a dissh of lowfat crream.."

Website: <none>