Size and Combat

Often, those engaged in combat find themselves facing opponents of differing size. The odds that a normal character can significantly damage a much larger opponent are scarce, especially if the opponent has armor. Therefore, the following table exists, showing size categories. For each category by which an attacker is larger than his target, he is at -d5 to hit; however, his target is at -d5 to any defense, and if the attack hits, takes +50% damage, per size category by which the attacker is larger. In contrast, for each category by which the attacker is smaller than his target, he gains a +d5 to hit (a huge target is a heck of a lot easier to hit) but inflicts less damage (damage is halved per category by which the attacker is smaller.) DR is subtracted after this damage modifier is taken into account.
Miniscule The size of a little toy soldier.
Extremely Small The size of an average action figure..
Very Small The size of the average housecat.
Small The size of an average kender or smaller. (Perhaps smaller categories will get added elsewhen.)
Medium The size of an average human.
Large The size of an average car, ogre, or small dragon.
Very Large Fightercraft, tanks, and jets fall into this category.
Extremely Large Large spaceships are this category.
Massive Planets and starports are the only things this incredibly huge.