The ARC Adventurer
All the news that's fit to post (and quite a few things that aren't)

Featured Columns:

A look a combat techniques and proceedures with skilled combat veteran Grimtooth Alliater. Submit your questions or comments to SN GrimtoothX

Mortal Musings:
 Terrindarr, mortal ranger extrordinare gives this commentary on issues of mortality. Contact SN Terrindarr with your mortal questions.

Kender Korner:
Okay, so we really didn't want this feature, but the KSH kender wouldn't leave our newsroom until we agreed. Contact: SN Arcticowl2

Gareth Does Guilds Galore:
Everyone's favorite drow does a lighthearted and happy look at the guilds of  Rhydin and their members. Contact: SN Gareth Uth

Web Review:
A spirited review of a nifty website by Voecks and the Host of the Week. To have a site reviewed, or to comment see SN:  Voecks.

Informative Articles:

Interview with a Character:
Mori and Alex (Legarro, not esper or kender), get all the dirt on your favorite characters. To be the character of the week, or request a special victim, er interviwee, contact SNs: Morriganvy and Arcticowl2.

Late Breaking News:
Hot stories, and hotter gossip! We have no shame, we'll print practically anything here. No story too shocking! Send your rumors and stories to SN MorriganVy

Ask Shidi and Herb:
Two very differant views on all your problems. If this couple can't answer your problems, then no one can! Printed without making your identity known upon request. Please send your questions and problems to SNs: LadyShldl or ArcticOwl2.

Morri's Love Line:
Lonely? Heartbroken? Downright desperate? Find a finger for that ring burning a hole in your pocket, or just a fun date! Let Morri find the mate(s)  or date(s) of your dreams! Contact SN: MorriganVy and get ready for romance!

Adventurer's Cliff Notes:
Down on your luck? Need a bit of advice? Missed those important classes? Alex and company will be happy to help you learn the things you missed.

ARC Life:

Found something? Lost something (perhaps your sanity)? Want to advertise your adventure, or seek employment? Place your ads here! Contact SN: MorriganVy

He Said, She Said:
Did that really come out of his mouth? Send your bloopers, missayings, funny typos, or just plain interesting wordings to Laura  SN: LadyShldl

As the Realm Turns:
Miss this week's adventures? Did the punties take you away at a crucial moment? Catch up with the ongoing adventures of ARC in this section. Narrators, please send your adventure logs or summaries to SN: Morriganvy to keep this section up to date.

From Mundania:
Formerly the MoRE Mun News, this section has been incorporated into the main ARC newsletter. Yes, muns do have lives outside their characters! Find out all the happenings here. Submit your mun news or announcement to Laura. SN: LadyShldl

Creativity Corner:
This section comes straight from you! Stories, poems, artworks from characters and muns alike. Send your submissions to Laura. SN: LadyShldl

The Staff:
Shidi is an angelic deity, whose hobbies include saving the world and imploding things.
Arc is a mysterious man in a fedora who makes his home in the Void and is often seen with the KSH.
Herb enjoys telling it like it is, mental duels with the tin can, and spending time with Shidi.
Alex  oversees the Academy of Magic and enjoys reading and spending time with his girlfriend, Dark.
Morri is a vyre who enjoys adventuring without getting dirty and the companionship of her friends.
Grim is a black dragon who is a veteran adventurer and combatant, skilled with the warhammer.
Gareth is a drow who enjoys experimenting with the undead, and doing battle with beasties.
Voecks enjoys being surly, sitting in his laz-e-boy, and living as a jakok (think huge white weasel).
Alex Pendragon is a persona master, oft found hanging out of a window.
Laura is a mun from the second plane of hell who enjoys making her characters' lives interesting.
Aus is the creative genius behind the ARC forum system who is everyone's favorite narrator.
Missy is the witty mun who came up with a lot of the titles and descriptions for our paper!
Ryan is our artistic mun, who does a lot of wonderful graphics for our forum and hosts adventures too.
Terrin is a mortal of great wisdom - hey, he's still alive, what more do you want?

Why are you still here reading this? Click on a link to go to the appropriate section, already. Sheesh.